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Geography Optional Test Series 2020 cover

Geography Optional Test Series 2020


Instructor: Ensemble

Language: English

Validity Period: 365 days



Geography Online Test Series [APSIP (Answer Presentation Skill Improvement Programme) ] is a guidance programme. The programme seeks to correct the flaws in the candidates' concept and writing ability before the Mains examination, so that the candidates go on to maximise their gains from these tests with the minimum of effort.

Instructions for writing and uploading Test Series answers

1)        Download the sample page of UPSC answersheet.

2)        Use only the print out of sample UPSC answer sheet or plain A4 size    paper to   write answers. Download answer writing sheet attached.

3)        Leave margins on both left and right side of the page in case you are using A4 size sheets.

4)       Scan your answer sheets using the Cam Scanner App and make a PDF file and  upload your answer sheets.

6)       Send the PDF file to [] with a subject

           header - [Mention your Test series Number - Name]

7)      Try submitting answers by the end of same week in which the test is held for    facilitating timely evaluation of your test answers.


To help create a big difference between Geography Online Test Series student and other candidates by equipping them to handle all type of questions that could be possibly asked from Geography optional in the Civil Services Mains examination, effortlessly.

Key feature of the course

  1. Developing proper understanding of questions that are in true UPSC nature.
  2. APSIP seeks to improve the answer presentation capability of the candidate for the Mains.
  3. The tests are followed by one hour of intensive discussion of the questions followed in turn by their evaluation and feedback
  4. Discussion of the important questions strictly from the 2019 Mains examination viewpoint.
  5. Answer writing practice, development of writing style strictly demanded by UPSC, evaluation with feedback on the same lines as demanded of Civil Servants.
  6. Problem solving of the candidates at an individual level and model long answers and short notes of the most important topics.
  7. Establishment of Relevant interrelationship at interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary nature.


  1. Strictly on the lines of UPSC directions.
  2. Answer papers checked not by students, but by people involved with checking the answer papers, and with 10-15 years of experience.
  3. 10 tests on the lines of UPSC.
  4. Model framework, structure and answers, whatever that is required will be provided.
  5. Test discussion in face to face form or shooted video form.
  6. Model answers on the chosen topics.

Pre Test Requirement

Before embarking on a Test Series, the candidates are requested to visit the You Tube Channel on the following links.

 People behind

The programme is under the guidance of Sri K. Siddhartha, who will set the attitude, interest level and pedagogy as per the requirement of UPSC.

  1. Academic Head- Dr S. Mukherjee, Director ENSEMBLE
  2. Chief Examiner-Dr Brajendra Narayan, Dr A. Padmnabhan,
  3. Chief Course Coordinator- Mr. Naman Preet
  4. Chief of Test Schedule and Conduct- Ms. Radhika
  5. Chief of Technology- Gourav Kakkar


  1. Student can log on to to get themselves enrolled.
  2. The candidate will get his/her access and password automatically after they pay for the course.
  3. Once they log in, they will start getting advisories, and materials.
  4. For online students, the candidates can upload and ask any question and form a set of questions, which will be discussed face to face in the problem solving sessions by Siddhartha Sir.

Eligibility for participation

The course is open to all those students who have a very solid foundation of the subject, along with the necessary level of proficiency to get through the subject.

Course Duration

4 months Course (Flexibility Availability) Validity of the Course will be one Year.

Participation Fees

Online: Rs.11,800 /-

Timings for the programme will be 12:00PM to 3:00PM.

Date: from the day of enrolment (student can opt their choice) 


Geography Online Test Series Schedule

No. of Test




Test  - I

Physical Geography

Geomorphology, Climatology, Oceanography 

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test   - II

Physical Geography

Biogeography, Environmental Geography 

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - III

Human Geography


Economic Geography, Settlement Geography, Population Geography.

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - IV

Human Geography

Models in geography, Regional Planning, Perspectives in Geography.

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - V

Indian Geography 

India Physical Aspects, Resources, Agriculture, Indian Industry.

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - VI

Indian Geography


Transport, Indian Settlement Regional planning, Contemporary, 

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - VII

Indian Geography


Transport, Trade, Cultural Setting, Settlement.

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - VIII

Indian Geography

Geography of India (Composite)

Complete three hour test, Online discussion, evaluation and feedback

Test  - IX

Composite Test 


Paper - I

Online discussion & Evaluation will be handed over


Test  - X

Composite Test 

Paper - II

Online discussion & Evaluation will be handed over


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